The Meta Corps - Dream of the Youth Read online
Page 16
Chapter 16
She was in agony. Anne Redford has always had a modest grip on her power, but this ascent was an overload. It was too much, too overpowering … too painful. Anne cried out, in over her head over the lack of control. Her tummy hurt, her knees hurt, her fingers hurt, her eyes hurt and even her toes hurt; but her head… and feelings hurt the most.
Anne had trusted William Garner, she trusted Florence Sanders, she trusted her parents, and she had the heart to take a chance and trust those who were nice to her. Morgan le Fay, though, was not a person to be trusted. She was a bad person that could not be trusted, and she wished that Dr. William Garner had been able to see that.
Morgan sat at the console, watching Anne’s power levels rise and reading the information that she desperately sought.
“Rise, rise dial, it is imperative that you meet my demands, rise. Rise! Time is of the essence!” A smile peppered with frustration graced her blue hued lips.
Garner ambled in from outside. He was disheveled and tired from dealing with Crimson Cherry. He had an awful, awful headache from Jack knocking his head against the wall, which did not help the matters any. He looked at Anne, and then turned away when she started screaming again. Her wails were like tens of thousands of hot, poisonous needles pressing into his chest.
Morgan watched the levels rise on psionic capacity, electrical current, and the likelihood of a one-one genetic lineage being passed on. All things seemed to be perfect, but… they were also too perfect.
Morgan had all the data needed, so she decided to evaluate the lot and see if her hypothesis was correct. She read the data and felt hot wax run down her throat as she read. The meta power and genetic code were two different things linked together, working together to pass each other on to the next generation. A terrible virus attached to human DNA to allow meta powers. It was not a normal mutation; she was sure of it. Morgan looked up at Anne and swallowed the lump in her throat.
“That’s it, Walter. Do you see? … All of them… Leon is building his army… and I was the first…”
Anne screamed for her mother. Garner felt his chest burn hotter than his already massive headache. He had had enough. He drew strength from inside himself and plodded up.
“Morgan, I’m not usually a violent person but—” A piece of concrete fell in his path.
Garner lost his focus and shrieked. Morgan caught sight of him and looked around. There were cracks in the drywall, and shelves of computer parts had fallen to the ground, unbeknownst of Morgan’s knowledge.
Anne growled, trying her hardest to compress her unrequited fury, but there was a surge coming; she could feel it. She screamed again as her head felt like it was being ripped in half with a white-hot saw. The whole building rumbled and Morgan’s machine exploded. She shielded her face and stepped back, pulling her wand out.
“Stay close to me William.” Morgan waved her wand.
“You need to bring her down from this rush! You could kill her!” Garner yelled.
“I can neither stop her, nor do I care to. I have the data that I need from her.”
A bubble materialized around them both; a meta human force field. Anne’s screams became hoarse, and her silent sobs were lost among the rumbling. Garner was about to retaliate, but he heard a crack above. He looked up to see that the entire roof had collapsed and that he was in the line of fire. Garner screamed as Morgan escaped, the bubble splitting into two. Garner bent down on his haunches and protected himself.
He had several thoughts run through his head, he had regret for mistreating Anne, his jumping the gun, and wondering why he cowered down and did not run. He also thought that the concrete was taking a while to land. Garner looked up from his hands; no excess rubble littered the floor.
The impact had not come.
He looked up to see that the roof was breaking apart, and swirling into a small point in the cloud… as were the walls, the rogue shelves, pieces of equipment, furniture, and the heroes.